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Dogs and cats can’t complain about tight muscles, but that doesn’t mean that their muscles aren’t sore after a vigorous session of catch-the-frisbee or a frenetic midnight dash through your house.

When muscles are tight, they press on nerves, ligaments, and tendons, making pain worse. Although any pet can benefit from massage, the hands-on treatment may be particularly helpful for older dogs and cats who suffer from arthritis and other conditions that cause painful joints and muscles.

The same health benefits massage offers you may also apply to your pets. The therapy improves blood and lymph circulation, increases range of motion, improves digestion, and may play a role in lowering blood pressure. It may also reduce swelling and stiffness in muscles and joints, improve flexibility, and help your pet sleep better.

When you massage your dog or cat regularly, you’ll also notice lumps, bumps, rashes or infections immediately, which will help you ensure that your pet receives prompt treatment for the health issues.

Why Choose Us?
We believe that every dog should receive the level of care, love, and confidence it deserves! Each product at Puppy-Protection® is chosen so that you're, the dog owner can enjoy peace of mind because you know that you give them the best quality